Linkbuilding strategies

Link Building

If there is any SEO practice that has a history of creating negative ranking implications, it is without a doubt black hat linkbuilding techniques. Black hat techniques are strategies that are solely designed to trick Google’s algorithms in order to acquire good rankings, but offer no value to the visitor.

Links on your website should only point to external websites that bring value to the visitor and either add to the site page content or accentuate or further the discussion.

It’s no secret that link building to create links to your website can be a ridiculously long and arduous process and especially if you’re in an industry that doesn’t naturally attract links such as an automotive dealership or attorney.

Many businesses in these types of industries get frustrated and then begin to go about link acquisition by purchasing links from offshore IT firms that break link building rules and set off red flags to the search engines. These tactics actually damage your rankings and make matters worse for you.

Rankwell Marketing has several link building strategies to help you start accumulating links and help you brainstorm ideas that will help you organically begin to attract links. So contact us today and let us discover how we can help you begin an honest linkbuilding journey.